Letter from the Principal – Mrs. Calvert

As May unfolds, a sense of anticipation fills the halls of Madison. We can practically feel the excitement as the end-of-year activities build.  It’s a wonderful reminder of all we’ve accomplished as a school community.  There are still a few more items to finish before we can all exhale and breathe in the warm air of summer – AP and SOL testing, Seniors Wings Experiences, MAD Wings Presentations, Graduation, All-Night Grad Party – but we are almost to the finish line and to the respite that summer break provides.
While this year has brought with it challenges, through it all, our students, faculty, and staff have demonstrated incredible perseverance and dedication. We’ve navigated obstacles and seen tremendous growth – both academically and personally.  I shared with our PTSA in April that at the end of 3rd quarter our students’ demonstrated achievement at very high levels with 92% of all course grades across the school being at the B level or higher!  That is a testament to students’ hard work and commitment to their learning.  If you have questions about where your child stands in a course, now is the time to contact teachers.  Please don’t wait until June!
Thank you to all the students and parents who provided feedback to the division’s grading committee on FCPS’s Grading and Reporting practices.  That committee is charged with making a recommendation to Dr. Reid on five topics:  traditional versus rolling grade book; the use of the zero and number of assignments in a grade book per quarter; the use of letter grades versus number grades; reassessment practices; and the weighting of assignments within a grade book.  To date, the committee is still working on its recommendations.  We had intended to send out our grading survey to parents and students in April, but instead will wait to send this survey until after Dr. Reid has made her final decision around these topics.  However, we will ask seniors to complete a survey during advisory in May as we would like to capture their thoughts before graduating.  Additionally, we are asking seniors if they would be willing to provide us a personal email address so we might be able to follow up with them next January.  At that time, we’d like to ask them a few questions about how well we have prepared them for their next adventure after graduation or where we may have missed the mark.  
So, as we head into the final stretch, I encourage you to keep an eye on our This Week at Madison mailings on Mondays as there is quite a bit going on over the next six weeks.  These events provide a fantastic opportunity to witness the culmination of all the hard work throughout the year. We encourage your active participation to show your support for our incredible students.
And, as May brings us closer to summer, let’s use this time to reflect on the journey we’ve shared and look forward to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you for your unwavering support throughout the year.


Liz Calvert, Principal
Madison High School
2500 James Madison Drive
Vienna, Virginia  22181
Phone:  703-319-2311
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  https://madisonhs.fcps.edu/