Madison PTSA Parent Education Programs 2020-2021

Freshmen and Underclassmen and their Parents–Fostering Resilience During Difficult Times
February 17th at 7-8pm
(View recording here)

As much as we’d like to protect our teens, this year has required them to face some difficult circumstances. While some underclassmen seem to be able to handle change and uncertainty more easily, others may struggle, becoming angry, disrespectful, defiant… or even worrying or withdrawing. In this workshop, therapist-turned-Parenting Specialist Rachel Bailey will offer practical tips for helping teens handle the obstacles they face, and simple, realistic strategies that will improve their overall resilience.  


Upperclassmen and their Parents–Empowering Advice to Support Older Teens in School
February 18th at 7-8pm
(View recording here)

If there is tension around school, there is most likely an underlying cause (that can be improved!).  In many cases, the reason is related to missing or under-developed study and/or executive function skills.  By gaining a better understanding of these skills — and how to communicate effectively so students are open to learning about them — parents can successfully address the barriers their children are facing. In this unique presentation, The StudyPro and Parenting Specialist Rachel Bailey join together to help parents and older teens understand the “why” of struggling students… as well as what to do and say to foster internal motivation.


College Admissions in the Time of Social Distancing

This presentation by Jed Applerouth has already happened. The presentation can be downloaded here, and the recording can be downloaded here. If you have any questions, please follow up with Sarah Miller at Applerouth Tutoring Services.