Student Services Update

Academic Advising
The school counselors are getting close to wrapping up their one-on-one academic advising meetings with their students. They have met with their current sophomores and juniors and are currently meeting with their freshmen. If your student has not met with their school counselor or case manager they should expect that meeting in the next two weeks.

It is very important that the course selections that the students have made have been reviewed by the students and their parents. These selections can be viewed in either StudentVue or ParentVue under the tab Course Requests. Changes will be very limited after April 1st. For the most up to date information please review our JMHS Academic Advising Google Site or our Madison Academic Advising Website.

Students have been reminded that certain courses (online campus, dual enrollment, academy) have unique deadlines that must be met. Please see our dual enrollment information page for deadlines specific to dual enrollment courses. The dual enrollment deadlines are not in Madison’s control, so we are not able to be flexible with them.

AP Exams will be here before you know it. If your student is planning on NOT taking their exam and would like to cancel, please ask them to reach out to their counselor. They will provide the form needed to cancel the exam. Please remember, if they did not opt out of their exam by October 25th, and if they will be exceeding the six exams paid for by FCPS, they will still be responsible for the $99 nonrefundable fee. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Bacalis ([email protected]). Thank you!

SOL Testing
Specific information will be coming out soon. Currently the majority of SOL’s will be scheduled on May 20th and May 21st.

Timothy Buckley
Director of Student Services
James Madison High School

School Website:
Student Services Website –

Mental Health Resources and 24/7 Emergency Numbers

If you or someone you care about is in crisis or in case of a life threatening emergency, please call 911.
Additional Emergency Mental Health resources below:
· Crisis Regional Hotline – 703-527-4077
· Crisis Text – Text NEEDHELP to 85511
· Chat online with a specialist at
· Call an emergency mental health center at 703-573-5679 (Merrifield Center), 703-536-2000 (Dominion Hospital), 703-289-7560 (Inova Emergency Services) or 1-844-627-4747 (Mobile Crisis Unit)
· Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
FCPS Mental Health Emergency Resources –